Monday, March 24, 2008

Seven and a Half

Well, the Web Challenge is in full swing, and I have to say, it is so much fun to see this all unfold. I am super into all of this web stuff (which, duh, is why I'm on the committee running this whole nonsense in the first place) and even just talking to my coworkers about blogs and RSS and why they might like them has been very cool.

The Seven and a Half Habits of Lifelong Learners are at the heart of the challenge, and really, at the heart of a lot of what we do in libraries. Whether we're showing a coworker how to save files to a flash drive or sharing a cool website, or showing a customer how to find the information they are looking for, it's what we do every day. Some of the seven and a half habits are easier than others... which is true of everything, I guess. What's the most fun? Play, which is our motto for the challenge. Are you playing? Don't be a player hater.

It's hard to say which of the habits is hardest for me. If I'm being honest, though, I think the thing I have the most trouble with is accepting responsibility for my own learning. There are tons of things I'd love to learn how to do, whether it's getting better at using my fancy digital camera, or how to knit, or sheesh, how to cook (my primarily pasta and macaroni and cheese-based diet will attest to that...). My problem, though, is that I don't always follow through. Sure, my cooking is in dire need of improvement. I buy lots of cookbooks and hoard recipes from my coworkers, but I don't ever seem to take that next step and try a recipe that sounds hard. So I need to work on that.

The habit of lifelong learners that is easiest (and most fun!) for me is teaching. That's why I wanted to be part of the Web Challenge committee.. because I know and use a lot of these web 2.0 tools every day, and I think a lot of people would enjoy them as much as I do. Sometimes having someone show you how something works is all you need. It's my favorite part of learning - sharing it with someone else. So there's that. And I'm certainly looking forward to the rest of the challenge for the very same reason.


Jo-Ann M said...

I told you about my daughter who is an occupational therapist. She now has folders set up from the feeds for work with amputees, traumatic brain injury etc. She is head of the OT Dept and is making all of her people aware of this resource. This bit of news is even better. My son-in-law like yourself is a lifelong learner. He has been taking courses since he graduated Rutgers. He was just accepted at Stevens for his doctorate. He is a computer scientist and works at FAA. HE WAS TOTALLY UNAWARE OF RSS. How great is this challenge!!!I taught a computer scientist something!!!

elizabeth said...

oh that's so cool! I love that you were able to scoop your son-in-law about RSS. Yay! :)